Friday, January 6, 2012

First Week

This week has been nothing but learning. Dorothy came over to help me with navigating through the Banner forms. The first day, I felt I didn't know where to start so that was really helpful. Michele also came over and explained a few things for me and actually has some training set up for me :) It's nice that I'm not wandering in the dark.

A lot of the other time has been Soukup showing me how to use SecureCRT, things to look for before running a Pro*C process, how to look at Banner Forms and log in to PL/SQL and view the tables that relate to the forms. Huber left a lot of documentation that I have been reading through. He had a file, "Banner new technology", which shows what Banner 9 will be using (like Groovy, Grails, Hibernate), and RESTful web services. The first on my list to start learning in that is Groovy and Grails. As a student programmer I spent time on RESTful Web Services with Amazon and Facebook. For instance you can use google translate restful api  to get the translation from one language to another for a particular word/phrase all with the url, and it will get you the result that you wish and so you can display it to the page without sending the person to google. It is a stateless alternative to SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol). I used Netbeans IDE to learn anout REST because they have a good guide here

Today, I talked to Soukup about job submissions and going over some readme files and he pointed out how it would be good to mod a perl file for job submission. Next week I am going to try to get my feet wet with that.

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